Friday, May 25, 2012

Tourism Places in Yogyakarta

Yogyakarta is one of province in Indonesia. In Indonesia there are two special region, Aceh Special Region (Nangroe Aceh Darussalam) and Yogyakarta Special Region or as known as DIY. Yogyakarta is special because the province is headed by the king or sultan. It means the governor of the province is the king of Yogyakarta kingdom. Yogyakarta is known as Gudeg city and Students city. People usually called Yogyakarta as Gudeg City because the traditional food of Yogyakarta is Gudeg. Meanwhile, Yogyakarta is also known as Students City because there are a lot of universities in Yogyakarta. That’s why people from another places study in Yogyakarta. Many foreigners visit Yogyakarta because they interest of Yogyakarta’s cultures and customs. In addition, Yogyakarta is a nice city that famous with its tourism spots which nice to be visited. Yogyakarta has some tourism destinations.

First, tourist can visit some beautiful beaches. For example, Parangtritis beach, Kukub beach, Baron beach, Krakal beach, etc. Parangtritis beach is located in Bantul Regency. The attraction of Parangtritis beach is the natural view. Parangtritis is amazing with its black sand and wonderful waves. Besides famous of it beautiful scenery, Parangtritis beach is also full of myths. The myth is about Ratu Kidul (Nyi Roro Kidul), the queen of South Ocean. The myths tell that there is relationship among Merapi Mountain in the north of Yogyakarta, Sultan palace (Yogyakarta kingdom) as a center, and Parangtritis beach with Ratu Kidul (Nyi Roro Kidul) who is the queen of South Ocean. Meanwhile, others beach such as Baron beach, Kukub beach, Krakal beach are located in Gunung Kidul. Gunung Kidul’s beaches are famous of their wonderful views and white sand. All of them have different attractions that make tourist want to visit them.
Furthermore, visitors can also enjoy the beauty of the hilly area of Kaliurang. Kaliurang is a slope in the southern of Merapi Mountain. It is located in Sleman Regency. Kaliurang is beautiful place and most of its area is still forest especially, pine forest. The weather in Kaliurang is very cool and it still has fresh air. In some area of Kaliurang, we can see Yogyakarta city. It is really beautiful especially, in the night because Yogyakarta such the city of light. Because of its attractions, people build a lot of villa in Kaliurang. So, visitors can stay there and enjoy the amazing view of Kaliurang.
Finally, temple is another tourism spot that you can enjoy in Yogyakarta. Prambanan temple is famous temple in Yogyakarta located in Sleman Regency. Besides of its nice place, Pramabanan temple famous because the legend of Roro Jonggrang. That’s why Prambanan temple also known as Roro Jonggrang temple. In addition, Prambanan temple is historical place. It is the symbol of Hindu temple. Hence, sometimes in Prambanan temple there is Ramayana show.
Yogyakarta with its some beautiful and famous tourism destinations, such as different attractions of the beaches, beauty hilly area of Kaliurang, and the temples make domestic and foreigners tourist interest to visit them. To conclude, these places strengthen the position of Yogyakarta as a tourism places.

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